Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
Report any of the following:
1. Weight gain of greater than 5 pounds
2. Shortness of breath
3. Nausea and/or vomiting
4. Fainting or lightheadedness
5. Severe abdominal pain
OHSS is a possible side effect of Follistim, Gonal-F, and on occasion, Clomid or Letrazole therapy.
It results in enlarged and tender ovaries, often accompanied by weight gain, fluid retention and in serious
cases, electrolyte and fluid imbalances. Most cases are mild or moderate and usually self-limited.
Monitoring will include:
1. Daily weights. Please use the same scale and weigh yourself in your underwear or without
clothing. Your provider may advise clinic monitoring.
2. Avoid any strenuous or vigorous activity such as running, sports, aerobics, or heavy housework.
You may be advised to go on bed rest.
3. Pay attention to how you’re clothing fits. If it becomes tight and your weight is increasing, start
measuring your abdomen in the same spot on a daily basis.
4. Avoid intercourse.
5. Return for an ultrasound or monitoring as advised by your provider.
6. Push fluids until your urine is clear. Also drink Gatorade or balanced electrolyte solution drinks
(1 quart daily). You may be advised to record fluid intake and output for your provider to review.
7. Take your pulse at rest. Call your provider if your resting pulse is greater than 100 beats per
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