Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)
During an infertility evaluation, it may be important to determine if the uterus and fallopian tubes are formed normally and open. This can be determined most safely and effectively with a Hysterosalpingogram (HSG). This test is a test to visualize, by x-ray, the cavity of the uterus and fallopian tubes. The test is done at a radiology office. Patients who have had previous tubal surgery, tubal disease, or known pelvic infection MUST BE ON ANTIBIOTICS at the time of the procedure. If you are one of these patients and have not been given a prescription for an antibiotic, please contact Associates in Women’s Health for a prescription.
You will be lying on an x-ray table and a vaginal speculum is inserted into the vagina. A clear liquid is then placed in the uterus and fallopian tubes while x-rays are taken. The liquid goes into the uterus and out through the fallopian tubes. If the tubes are open, the liquid spills into the abdominal cavity; it is rapidly absorbed by the body. The entire test takes approximately 15 minutes.
During the liquid insertion there may be mild cramping (similar to menstrual cramps) as the liquid distends through the fallopian tubes. This lasts about 3 minutes and then usually decreases rapidly over the next 10 to 20 minutes. You may notice some vaginal spotting and mild cramping for 24 hours. If you should notice increasing abdominal pain, fever, or heavy bleeding, please call the clinic at 952-806-0011.
It may be helpful to use Ibuprofen or Aleve (if not allergic) prior to your procedure to minimize cramping. Eat a light meal before procedure.
Adverse reactions to the procedure are uncommon. Two potentially serious problems are an allergic reaction to the liquid and pelvic infection. If you have a history of allergy to iodine, shellfish, or other dyes used in x-ray (IVP, myelogram, bowel x-ray) please notify the clinic nurse or doctor before scheduling the test. A pelvic infection can occur if bacteria on your cervix or in your fallopian tubes are activated by the procedure. All precautions are taken to limit this possibility, but it cannot be eliminated.
If you develop increased pain or fever after the x-ray, report it to your doctor immediately. Rapid treatment is needed to reduce the damage that may occur to your fallopian tubes.
The test is done between days 6 and 12 of your cycle (after menstruation but before ovulation). It is very important that this test not be done if pregnancy is suspected.
To schedule an HSG, please contact Jody at 952-841-9481 as soon as your next menses begins.